
Ryoko Uno

Picture of Ryoko Uno

Born in Tokyo in 1973. Currently an Professor at the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology. Completed the doctoral course with a Ph.D. at the Department of Area Studies, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo in 2006. Her research involves the connection and implication of the usage of words with the mind and self. She analyzed how new words are born in natural and artificial languages.
In recent years, she applied linguistic analysis to creative activities other than languages such as art and fashion design. She writes her analysis in her co-written books, "Sound Symbolism and Mimetics: Rethinking the Relationship Between Sound and Meaning in Language" (Hituzi Syobo Publishing, 2013) and "実験認知言語学の深化" (Jikken Ninchi Gengogaku no Shinka) (Hituzi Syobo Publishing, forthcoming books).